Prevention is better than Cure

This pandemic has put the nation in panic situation and everybody is worried about their health issues and precautions related to the prevention from coronavirus. Health should be prior to any other issue related to life as “Health is Wealth” considered by people. People should take necessary precautions if they are going out and working or its an emergency.

When you are going out its obvious you will have a thought that you might get prone to the deadly disease .There is no need to panic, you just need to take correct precautions .

To prevent yourself from this virus you need to take the necessary precautions while going out of the house or stay at home.

1. When you cant keep a safe distance from others , cover your mouth and nose with mask.

2. Don’t touch your eyes ,nose and mouth.

3. Wash hands often and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home .

4. Cover cough and sneezes with your elbow , tissue or handkerchief.

5. Stay at least six feet or two arms length from others.

6. Listen for instuctions from your local government.

Preventive measures must be kept prior in practice because if you follow the precautions given by the government and the doctors then there is no question for cure. So keep following the instructions and Be safe.

Edited by Sumi Shaw

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